To give a bit of background, I am a multirotor pilot, and am primarily interested in miniquads. That being said the testing I've done applies universally, and the 2200mah size battery is very adaptable to general use in mini quads, 450 class multirotors, small helicopters, and airplanes, RC crawlers etc.

For this test, I've done some stress testing and general data collection with this battery, and for comparison purposes a Turnigy 2200mah 35C as well. I began by testing the internal resistance of the battery. I also did a current draw test on both batteries at 25A to measure the voltage drop. Finally Irecorded a flight with an onboard current and voltage sensor in the OSD to demonstrate voltage drop in real-world flight conditions.
Physical Characteristics
My first impressions of this battery are very positive. The battery is very solid and well built. There is a very thin aluminum support that surrounds the battery and adds additional protection to the top, back, and bottom of the battery. This protective layer doesn't extend down the sides however. Where the high current lines enter the battery casing they are re-enforced with additional heat shrink. The balance leads come out the opposite side of the casing rather than the same side as the high current lines. This battery did come with 4mm bullet connectors, which I had to cut and resolder to my standard XT60. The battery weighs in at 190g with the factory connector and 187g after being modified with the XT60.

Internal Resistance
As a first test I measured the IR of the battery in several conditions. I tested at both full voltage, storage voltage, and full discharge after a flight. I used this tool to estimate the C rating and constant average amp draw for the battery. It is worth noting that the post flight battery was quite warm, and that does effect IR quite a bit.
Scenario (GensAce) ........ IR(mOhm) ........ Amps(avg) ........ C(avg)
Full Charge (75F) ................... 3.3 .................... 63 ...................... 29
Storage Charge (75F) ............ 3.2 .................... 64 ...................... 29
Nominal Charge (95F)........... 2.8 .................... 69 ...................... 31
As you can see all of the average C ratings were well above the listed 25C rating from the factory.
For comparision here is the data for the Turnigy 2200mah 35C battery.
Scenario (Turnigy) ........ IR(mOhm) ........Amps(avg) ........ C(avg)
Full Charge (75F) ................... 3.5..................... 61 .................... 28
Full Charge (95F) ................... 2.2 ....................71 ..................... 35
Storage Charge (75F) .......... 3.4 ................... 62 ..................... 28
Load Testing
I wired the battery up to a 25A load to test voltage drop. At the top of the battery the voltage dropped mostly linearly at a rate of 0.03V per A. That leads to a projected drop of 1.5V at a 50A load.
The flight video shows a voltage drop of about 1.7A at 50A which is very close given the drop in efficiency as the current increases. The battery was cool to the touch after 25A (1C) tests, and only slightly warm after flight testing. Load handling appears to be consistent with the projections based on IR measurement. Flight times are around 5 minutes on my Cobra 2204 2300kv motors pushing 5x4.5 bullnose props with punchouts drawing 50+ amps and average flying drawing 15-20A.
GensAce 2200mah 25C Flight Test (6 min 5 sec) |
For comparison, the Turnigy battery performed basically the same with a 0.0325V per A drop.

These batteries are very well made and seem to be well rated, meeting or exceeding the factory 25C specification. Time will tell if that C rating drifts after regular use and abuse, but from initial flight tests, I am optimistic. The weight and size are better than many other 2200mah batteries as well, which works out well for miniquads. Overall I am impressed with the quality and performance of the battery and am looking forward to some long-term results. For those interested, the battery is available here: